About Us

To make things easier, we're going to refer to Mona J as MJ and Mona M as Mona. Here is a quick synopsis of their strange relationship and how they came together.

1. Mona moves back from Sacramento to Los Angeles to find that her brother is dating another Mona - aka MJ - whatttt?! WEIRD!!
2. MJ is terrified of meeting Mona while Mona is SO EXCITED to meet MJ.
3. After running into each other at an event, Mona gives MJ a huge hug and embrace which leaves MJ baffled.
4. Mona and MJ move in together.
5. Mona and MJ become BEST FRIENDS. (obviously)
6. Mona's brother proposes to MJ. (Finally!)
7. MJ and Mona realize they are going to become SISTERS soon. (Cue happy dance)
8. MJ and Mona decide to start a blog to chronicle their fashion adventures in Los Angeles.
9. Mona and MJ live happily ever after.

1 comment:

  1. One thing to Notice about Mona and MJ. Or to be more consistent .. MM and MJ is that they always wear the same color clothing. So of course you would always get a double doze of what is coming at you.

    Can't wait to see the rest of this fashion adventure. So what is on the menu guys? Shoes? Dresses? Scarves? Hair? Makeup? Nails? Anything for Guys?
